

Kornati National Park

Does the idea of island hopping during a hot summer vacation with the peace of untouched natural splendour excite you? If that is the case, Kornati national park is the perfect summer destination for you. It is an island archipelago with a whooping 89unihabited islands, reefs and islets, and it is most famous for its high cliffs. With only a handful of year-round residents, it offers a rugged landscape with natural sparkling waters, and it has charmed tourists yearning for the remote desert island feel.



The Kornati national park sits in the dense Kornati archipelago with 149islands, islets and reefs. Trailing the coast between Zadar and Sibenik, this famous stretch of islands, islets and reefs is divided into two: Gornji Kornati, the upper half and Dornji Kornati, the lower half, which includes the largest island of Kornat from which the archipelago derives its name.

Instead of the monotonous majestic castles and walls everyone is used to, you will be in the midst of an uninhabited stretch of land and admire the civilisation that once thrived there. If you love underwater activities, the Adriatic sea offers diving and snorkelling opportunities to create the adventure of a lifetime.
The islands make an interesting place because some of them are beautiful uninhabited places with a karstic terrain full of natural caves, caverns and cliffs that have formed over the ages. Most of them are desolate due to the absence of freshwater sources. Others host a stretch of vineyards, orchards and olive groves that attract seasonal farmers to attend to them.



Interestingly, the long stretch of the Kornat Island creates a protected water body for boats to peacefully sail in and cut through the narrow channels between the islands without the nuisance of heavy waves. The Adriatic marine life hosts rare corals, algae and molluscs that offer an unrivalled swimming and snorkelling adventure.

Out of the 149 islands, 89 have a national park status and are protected, making for safe adventures.